Category Archives for "John Adams"

January 15 – Adams meets the Sons of Liberty (video)

​January 15 – John Adams ​meets the Sons of Liberty​January 15 – John Adams ​meets the Sons of Liberty​  ​Adams is invited to attend a meeting of one of the more infamous groups in Boston during the 1700s: the Sons of Liberty. More from John Adams: play “I was invited by Crafts and Trott, to go and […]

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January 1 – first New Years at the White House (video)

October 2 – John Adams on Samuel Adams(& not the Beer) ​January 1 – ​First New Year’s Day at the White House ​Journals of the Continental Congress, ​​November ​7, ​1777​​Imagine having to host a housewarming – where the house is not warm, or even completely a house. Welcome to John and Abigail Adams’ New Year’s Day […]

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Christmas Day (video)

December 25​:Christmas Day ​On December 25th –     -The Molasses Act came into effect. (1733)    -George Washington and his troops crossed the Delaware River. (1776)    -Andrew Johnson granted unconditional pardons to Confederacy veterans. (1868) But come on, it’s Christmas! ​Here’s a little gift for you – John Adams and Theodore Roosevelt talk about their Christmas traditions. ​Christmas Day, […]

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December 11 – an (eventual) end to Quasi-war with France (video)

October 2 – John Adams on Samuel Adams(& not the Beer) ​December ​11- ​An (​​eventual) end to war with France John Adams’ presidency was marked by two unwanted difficulties: the rising and crystallizing of political parties, and an undeclared war with France. The latter was made much more difficult by the former.More from John Adams: play […]

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November 27- Adams sent to France (video)

October 2 – John Adams on Samuel Adams(& not the Beer) ​November 27 – John Adams ​sent to France(​for the first time) “Ordered​​, that Mr. Samuel Adams, and Mr. J Adams, have leave of absence to visit their families… ​Journals of the Continental Congress, ​​November ​7, ​1777​John Adams had been working as a delegate to the […]

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November 13 – Adams (begrudgingly) returns to France (video)

October 2 – John Adams on Samuel Adams(& not the Beer) ​November ​13 – John Adams ​Returns to France(​Reluctantly)  “​I have just sent Mr. Thaxter, Johnny and Stephens with the Things on Board. I shall go with Charles at four O Clock. It is now three.” to ​Abigail Adams,  ​November 1​3, ​1779John​ Adams ​was on a […]

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October 30 – Happy Birthday John Adams! (video)

“​The Day of the Month reminds me of my Birth day, which will be on the 30th. I was born Octr. 19. 1735. Thirty Seven Years, more than half the Life of Man, are run out.—What an Atom, an Animalcule I am!” ​Diary, ​October 1​9, 1​772 Birthdays were not celebrated the way we currently do. […]

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